The old cuisine, of course we are talking about China, this Chinese food culture you can find it in the web site. They are offering to you a recipe book that allows you to collect exchange and organize your recipes and much more. You will be able to print out your cookbook and create also web pages! They have a large database with over 290 China food recipes available, all to download. ChinaFood Recipe version 2.4, is organized by Category, such as: Bean Curd, Beef and Mutton, Fish and Seafood, Pork, Poultry and Egg,
Rice Noodles, Soups, Sweet Dishes, Vegetables, etc. You add more categories if you want to and delete or increase your database with more recipes and classified them into categories. The good thing about downloading this software is you will be able to count with your recipes without having an internet connection. The requirements to download this product are: Operating system - MS Windows 95 / Windows 98 / Windows 2000 / Windows ME / Windows XP / Windows 2003. Keep in mind that in the web site, they also have a lot of recipes to share with. Buy your license and enjoy the features. Bon Appétit!